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Chemical Peels

Treatment info:

A chemical peel is a treatment that is used for skin appearance improvement. It can also be called derma-peeling or chemexfoliation. It is a safe and effective treatment that is becoming more and more popular.

Chemical peels can be light, medium and deep, depending on their strength. This aesthetic procedure can improve hyperpigmentation, sun-damaged skin, wrinkles and other skin blemishes by peeling off the top layer of the skin.

During the treatment, a suitable chemical solution is applied to the patient’s skin and the top layer gets gradually peeled off. The skin heals after the procedure and becomes much smoother and more radiant.

With light and medium peels, the patient might need more than one treatment session to get the best results. A light chemical peel can improve skin tone and texture and reduce fine lines. Medium chemical peel achieves a smoother skin texture.

In the case of deep chemical peels, the results are more dramatic, but the recovery period is longer.

Since chemical peels are skin-resurfacing treatments the depth is chosen according to the skin issues that need to be addressed.

After a chemical peel, the new healthy skin is sensitive to the sun so it is important to appropriately protect it.


  • Light Peel- stimulate epidermal growth by removing the stratum corneum without necrosis. Through exfoliation, the epidermis is thickened with qualitative, regenerative changes. Improves surface texture irregularities, lighten hyper-pigmented areas, and also treat acne and other skin conditions. This Light Peel is indicated to Mild Sun Damage, general poor skin texture and uneven tone skin.
  • Medium Peel- deeper destruction of epidermis and induction of inflammation within the papillary dermis constitutes a medium depth chemical peel. This Medium Peel is indicated to Moderate Sun Damage, Lines, and pigment patches.
  • Deep Chemical Peel- causes further inflammatory response in the deep reticular dermis and induces new collagen production. This Deep Peel is in indicated to Severe Chronic Sun Damage, Lax Tone and seeking Radical Skin Rejuvenation.

You may experience stinging, burning, tightness, flaking, and peeling of the skin as it renews itself. These sensations will diminish in a day or two.

Preparation for a Chemical Peel should be through, greatly emphasizing sun protection before and especially after the procedure. Prescribing the correct Pre-PEEL Regimen can increase the efficacy of the peel, as well as the speed of healing and reduce complications.

Chemical Peel have widely used by Dermatologists for over fifty years, and more recently Plastic Surgeons and Aestheticians are also providing these peels or their patients. Chemical Peel also is a Fundmental part of Skin Care Therapy. Upon doing Chemical Peel we assure that the Patient will undergo to a proper assessment prior to do the Peel.


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